
Sponsor local agriculture by sponsoring a tree!

Contribute to sustainability and agriculture by sponsoring a tree. How it works:

$50 donation:

-plaque for your adopted tree

-coordinates of the tree (x, y)

-visiting rights to you tree at bi-yearly events to be announced

$85 donation:

-plaque for your adopted tree

-coordinates of the tree (x, y)

-visiting rights to you tree at bi-yearly events to be announced

-1.5lb package of limes each month to be picked up at Mercado de Alimentos Santurce every 4th Saturday of each month

Learn more at: auspiciaunarbol@gmail.com


You adopt a lemon tree of the Verna variety, a variety developed in Spain very adapted to the environmental conditions of the region. One of the peculiarities of this variety is that it flowers several times a year, staggering the production of fruit. Our product is a 100% organic lemon, it comes in different sizes and shapes, without any kind of treatment. It has a yellow colour with greenish tones, it has a fresh and natural aroma.

It flowers several times a year, staggering the fruit production. Our product is a 100% organic lemon, it comes in different sizes and shapes, without any kind of treatment. It has a yellow colour with greenish tones, it has a fresh and natural aroma.

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